Monday 1 August 2011

João e Sebastian: capoeira continuation by oral tradition and live memory

Memória oral ... as tradições e manifestações das culturas tradicionais são transmitidas através da experiência dos gestos, das palavra falada e cantada e das relações humanas em comunidade.

Oral memory ... the transmition of the traditional cultures takes place through the experience of the gestual, the spoken and singing words and from the community relationship.

M. Gato and M. João Grande preparing for the 1st Roda

Friday the 1st July, both Mestres Gato and João Grande getting ready to start the first roda of Movement for Change at The Petchey Academy. Regional and Angola supporting each other for one cause! Dialogue, understanding and Roda de Capoeira to built cummunity and respect.

João Grande, Gato, Pedreiro, Rilene, Joãozinho, Ponciano ... Masters, teachers and capoeiristas from different generations learning together

Oi Boa Noite pra quem é de Boa Noite / Oi Bom Dia pra quem é de Bom Dia / A benção meu pai a bênção, eu sou bom filho sou o Rei da Bohemia ...

Abenção meu tatata a bênção!

Salve Mestre Joãozinho, que com muito ritmo energizou e aqueceu os tambores e os capoeiristas com uma grande vivência de maculelê durante o primeiro dia da Conferência no Sábado pela manhã, dia 2 de Julho!

"Personally this event has giving me and I believe to all participants, new ways of looking into how we can together bring positive changes within the capoeira community in the UK".

Prof. Rilene

"Pessoalmente este evento deu a mim, e acredito a todos os participantes, novas formas de peceber como que nós juntos podemos trazer mudanças positivas para dentro da capoeira aqui no Reino Unido".

Mestres João Grande e Pedreiro, two generations from Bahia
Duas gerações da Bahia

Mestre Gato and Dr. PhD Matthias R. Assunção, exchange of informations
Troca de informações

Profa. Suzannah, M. João Grande and Austin, questions with answers
Perguntas com respostas

Arriving for the Fly Away Besouro world premier screening at The Canning House
Thursday the 30th June
From the left to the right: M. Joãozinho, Sebastian, Gya, M. João Grande and M. Carlão

Mestres João Grande and Gato, especial guests meeting at The Canning House for the Conference launch.

Fran and M. Jão Grande, after Fly Away Besouro screening

Guest, M. João Grande and Gya after Fly Away Besouro at Canning House

Greg Hicks, which now is spending sometime training with M. Jão Grande in Manhatan

Leo, Hannah, Márcio and Alex! Love for capoeira and crowd funders for the Conference.
Amor pela capoeira e apoio a Conferência

Ops!! Hannah!!! Again??

M. Gato's Saturday workshop, ginga is the first step to move on and to change our positions

All the colors and schools for a great lesson with Mestre Gato on Saturday the 2nd day of the Conference

M. Gato helping us to see the world up side down? What happens then, we change or the world does? Can we change and move things up side down too?

Movement for Change round table :: Is it capoeira a tool for transformation still?

The roundtable was composed by many teachers and researchers, from the left to the right: M. Carlão, M. Ponciano, Prof. PhD Rosana Martins, BIDNA Project board team Prof. Tarek, Prof. Toca Feliciano, Instrutor Miguel, Mestrando Madeira and Prof. Pedro Campolina.

The major issues and interest were directed towards the topic: "Capoeira as a tool for social change".
From that point, many questions arose and were answered by teachers and researchers who joined the table.

At the end of the round table, many left with some questions answered. But, others left with much more questions than when they arrived. This was the intent. To instigate, to encourage the spirit of restlessness which is natural state of humans in particular in the capoeiristas.
Thus, the next time perhaps we will be more curious and restless, so we can get more answers and much more questions.

Above and bellow, M. Gato and Mestre João Grande also participating to the discussions.

Bellow, Tarek Alsaleh talks about BIDNA and it work with capoeira in Middle East. How and why it's been affecting children lifes.

The Berimbau Orchestra of M. João Grande :: Musicality and guidance

El maestro João Oliveira dos Santos, João Grande

Most of us got wordless just watching João Grande building such a positive vibe during the musicality session on Sunday, the 3rd July.

More then 60 Capoeiristas playing together in resonance

When everyone thought it was the end, he did his berimbau performance

This great pic shows M. João Grande during the last moments of Movement for Change Conferencem, reviving his famous berimbau performance. He he did use to do it during his show Viva Bahia years ago in Salvador and abroad, when he traveled touring around the world.

Quanto todos pensavemos que era o fim da Conferencia na tarde de Domingo dia 3 de Julho, M. João Grande vibrou na energia do antigos Nagôs da Bahia e por mais uma vez em sua vida, apresentou a sua famosa performance com o Berimbau.

Saravá meu pai! Salve, salve!

Dr. Matthias R. Assunçnao lecture :: The Angolan Roots of Capoeira. Transatlantic Links of a Globalized Performing Art

O começo da Conferência no dia 1 de Julho, com a apresentação de todos os líderes de grupos que chegaram de diversos lugares, mas principalmente de UK e Europa. Foi possível ver a diversidade e a possibilidade do convívio e da prática da cooperação para o sucesso da Conferência.

The Conference begins on July the 1st, with the presentation of all group leaders who came from many places, but mainly from the UK and Europe. It was possible to see the diversity, interaction and possibility of cooperation for the success of the Conference.

A apresentação do Prof. Dr. Matthias R. Assunção trouxe novos informations a respeito da relação da capoeira com suas raízes fincadas na África. A cabangula, a bassúla, o N'Golo e outras outras manifestações da região de Angola, foram ilustradas com slides para um público diversas perguntas e comentários sobre o tema.

Professor. Dr. Matthias R. Assunção presentation brought new informations about the relationship of capoeira with its roots in Africa. The cabangula, the bassula, n'gola and other manifestations from Angola mainly, were illustrated with slides to an audience which in the end questions and comments on the topic.